Petition gatherers are arrivingto protest raising Property Taxes
by nearly 9 million Dollars!

Sign the Petition to let the Commissioners
know you want them to LOWER PROPERTY TAXES
not raise them! 2 main reasons:

ONE: Inflation is not a reason to raise taxes 9 million dollars.
TWO: The County has huge Fund balances unspent from last year,
the picture shows 39 million dollars—but it may be much more that.

Please see and read the E-mails & data posted below—and get involved to fight this!

Redacted sample petition being gathered to protest taxes


The facts about enrollment numbers, 2012–2022:


Dear Members,

The Club attended and presented our petition to the all the County Commissioners at the Budget Hearing on May the 9th and we are encouraging all member to write to them, individually, as I did.  The Email I sent with their individual emails will be forwarded to the list just after this meeting notice.

Flick’s is not open on Monday nights until the Month of June or July  2023. In the Fall, we will make an effort to have meetings there and show films, like we have done before.

Our membership is gathering to talk about the scandal of raising the size of County Government by the 9 Million Dollar Windfall! Our club is making  progress with these 5 men surrounded by Big Spending lobbyists.

Please bring friends out—rain or shine on Monday evening, May 22nd.  The sunset has gotten so late in the evening that  we can do this and have a wonderful time enjoying the beauty of the Lord’s Spring! Make a Dish (Pasta, Salads, Snacks) to share and be there!

—Donald Frazier, Treasurer